

Our scope is to construct low-carbon urban and local area supplying high quality of life.
As the methodologies, we establish quantification and assessment tools of environmental loads, maintenance cost, and quality of life from various human activities, and apply it to real city and region by harmonization of public transport systems and land use.
We discuss the policy framework for sustainable and resilient society. Urban management strategies and roadmap under population saturation/growth, fiscal crisis and environmental constraints are provided.


KATO, Hirokazu            Associate Professor   
>>Lab’s Web Site


Recent Publications


ž   Ito, K., Kato, H., Shibahara, N. and Hayashi, Y.: Estimating Additional Mass Transit Needed to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Regional Passenger Transport in Japan, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.2252, PP.127-134, 2011.


ž   Nakamura, K., Hayashi, Y. and Kato, H.: Mocroscopic Design of Measures to Realise Low-Carbon Land-Use Transport System in Asian Develiping Cities, Global Environmental Research, Vol.17 No.1, pp.47-60, 2013.


ž   Morita, Y., Shimizu, K., Yamasaki, T., Kato, H and Shibahara, N.: Methodology for Evaluating Life Cycle Environmental Load of Rail Infrastructure Provision, Selected Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transport Research, USB(754), 2013.


ž   Ito, K., Nakamura, K., Kato, H. and Hayashi, Y.: Influence of Urban Railway Development Timing on Long-term Car Ownership Growth in Asian Developing Mega-cities, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.10, pp.1076-1085, 2013.


ž   Morimoto, Y., Shibahara, N. and Kato, H.: Life Cycle Assessment of Road Improvement Projects onsidering Innovations in Vehicle Technology and Changes in Traffic Demand, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.10, pp.1189-1202, 2013.


ž   Kato, H., Masuda, Y., Shibahara, N., Morimoto, R and Kanai, K.: Uncertainty analysis for infrastructure LCA, Proceedings of the 11th International conference on EcoBalance, 2014.


ž   K.Ito, N.Shibahara, H.Kato, K.Kanai: Macro analysis of life cycle CO2 from urban passenger transport systems in Asian developing countries, Proceedings of the 11th International conference on EcoBalance, 2014.


ž   N.Shibahara, R.Morimoto, N.Kudo, H.Kato: Estimation method of the change in life cycle CO2 from mass transit system applying microscopic traffic flow simulation, Proceedings of the 11th International conference on EcoBalance, 2014.