Concrete laboratory is trying to construct high quality concrete structures from material, design and maintenance sides. The study area expand to structural analysis, seismic design, performance evaluation of existing structures, fire resistance, impact loading, time-dependent behavior, rebar corrosion, chemical degradation, non-destructive inspection, etc… Teacher and students discuss not only about researches but also the daily life.
NAKAMURA, Hikaru Professor hikaru@nagoya-u.jp
YAMAMOTO, Yoshihito Associate Professor y.yamamoto@civil.nagoya-u.ac.jp
MIURA,Taito Assistant Professor t.miura@civil.nagoya-u.ac.jp
>>Lab’s Web Site
Recent Publications
Kongkeo P., N. UEDA, H. Nakamura, M. KUNIEDA: Identification of Shear Stress Transfer Model for Various Concrete and Its Verification, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.61A, pp.734-744, 2015. |
Di Q., H. Nakamura, Khoa K. T., Y. Yamamoto, T. Miura: Experimental and analytical evaluation of concrete cover spalling behavior due to local corrosion, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.61A, pp.707-714, 2015. |
Di Q., H. Namura, Y. Yamamoto, T. Miura: Evaluation Method of Tensile Behavior of Corroded Reinforcing Bars Considering Radius Loss, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.13, pp.135-146, 2015. |
M. H. Meisami, Davood M., H. Nakamura: Punching shear strengthening of two-way flat slabs with CFRP grids, Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, Vol.18, No.2, pp.112-122, 2014. |
Y. Yamamoto, H. Nakamura, I. Kuroda, N. Furuya: Crack propagation analysis of reinforced concrete wall under cyclic loading using RBSM, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Vol.18, No.7, pp.780-792, 2014. |
Y. Hanifi G., H. Nakamura, Y. Yamamoto, N. Ueda, M. Kunieda: Effect of Stirrups on the Shear Failure Mechanism of Deep Beams, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, pp.14-30, 2012. |
M. Hussein, M. Kunieda, H. Nakamura: Strength and ductility of RC beams strengthened with steel-reinforced strain hardening cementitious composites, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.34, No. 9, pp.1061-1066, 2012. |
H. Nakamura, W. Srisoros, R. Yashiro and M. Kunieda: Time-Dependent Structural Analysis Considering Mass Transfer to Evaluate Deterioration Process of RC Structures, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.4, No.1, pp.147-158, 2006. |
H. Nakamura, T. Higai: Compressive Fracture Energy and Fracture Zone Length of Concrete, Modeling of Inelastic Behavior of RC Structures under Seismic Loads, ASCE, pp.471-487 , 2001. |